Who is David Lademan? | GPB Capital Lawsuit

David Lademan was the President of Capital Strategies. He was a registered broker with LPL Financial until February, 2019. Prior to that, he was a registered broker with Kalos Capital (from 2012 to 2018). He is no longer a registered broker. According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, he was the subject of 1 disclosure.


Peiffer Wolf and Meyer Wilson are currently investigating claims against David Lademan of LPL Financial.  David Lademan was the President of Capital Strategies.


If you were a client of David Lademan, Contact Us Today by calling 888-390-6491 or by filling out an online contact form for a FREE Consultation.

David Lademan

David Lademan | Capital Strategies, LPL Financial &  Kalos Capital

According to FINRA’s BrokerCheck, David Lademan has been the subject of 1 disclosure. He is no longer a registered broker.


Prior to LPL Financial, David Lademan was registered with Kalos Capital, Madison Avenue Securities, Questar Capital Corporation and Intersecurities.


FINRA maintains a database of investor complaints and disciplinary and employment history for registered representatives and publishes some of this information on its BrokerCheck website, www.brokercheck.finra.org.


If you invested with David Lademan of Capital Strategies, you should contact Peiffer Wolf and Meyer Wilson immediately for a FREE Consultation.


To review David Lademan’s BrokerCheck report, click here:


*BrokerCheck is run by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA)

David Lademan and the GPB Lawsuit

Multiple lawsuits have been filed and multiple regulatory matters have been initiated, alleging that GPB Capital Holdings has been engaged in wrongdoing.  A former GPB Holdings partner alleged that “GPB paid its investors significant returns based upon falsified financial information”.


Our investigation into the various GPB private placement funds includes, but is not limited to: GPB Automotive Portfolio LP, GPB Cold Storage LP, GPB Eurobond Finance PLC, GPB Holdings II LP, GPB Holdings III LP, GPB Holdings Qualified LP, GPB Holdings LP, GPB NYC Development LP, GPB Scientific LLC, GPB Waste Management LP, GPB Waste Management Fund LP, and many more.

Financial advisors (brokers) have a legal obligation and regulatory obligation to recommend only suitable investments that are appropriate for their individual clients. Their broker-dealer (employing brokerage firm) has a legal obligation and regulatory obligation to supervise the financial advisor’s sales practices and dealings with clients. To the extent that any of these duties are breached, the customer may be entitled to a recovery of his or her investment losses.


Based on our experience, we believe that there are more investors who have been the victims of David Lademan’s alleged broker misconduct and investment fraud. If you invested with David Lademan of Capital Strategies, you should  contact Peiffer Wolf and Meyer Wilson immediately for a FREE Consultation.


Learn more about the GPB Investor Lawsuit here: https://gpblawyer.com/gpb-investor-lawsuit/


Peiffer Wolf and Meyer Wilson are currently investigating David Lademan’s practices, as well as the products he recommended to individual investors. Concerns about possible broker misconduct and investment fraud are serious, and we are committed to fighting on behalf of investors. Contact Us Today for a FREE Consultation888-390-6491.

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GPB Brokers in the news

Brokercheck®️ report: David Lademan

Information about this broker was obtained from FINRA’s BrokerCheck on November 20, 2019. You should always review the BrokerCheck report directly for the most updated information. If you believe that information on this page is incorrect, please contact us.

GPB Lawsuit | FREE Consultation | 888-390-6491


Peiffer Wolf and Meyer Wilson are currently investigating claims for anyone who has invested in any GPB Capital fund. If you or someone you know invested in any GPB Capital fund, Contact Us Today by calling 888-390-6491 or by filling out an online Contact Form for a FREE Consultation.

If you invested in any GPB Capital Fund, Contact us Today for a FREE Case Evaluation.